Monday, January 10, 2011

Creepy Yet Charming Penguin Books

I couldn't resist. Even though I said I was trying to get away from my I heart Penguin Books because I heart anything penguin image, this was too awesome. Seriously, have you looked at it? It's clever, cute, but simple. That's my kind of graphic art (as far as classical art I go more for impressionism, but that's another story). Apparently it was done for Penguin Books anniversary or something. Kind of impressive, isn't it. It's the kind of thing that makes me wish that I could draw. Not that I want to be the next Michaelangelo or anything, I just want to be able to draw Penguin Books logos and other nonsense cartooned characters.
So I haven't been reading Penguin Books for the seventy-five years that they've been around (obviously), but I have been reading them for a while now, and I have to say Penguin Books are pretty impressive. I never realized before just how much they contributed to making publishing a more cohesive business. They standardized their typeface (for the most part) as well as their logo and cover design (which still holds mostly true) and the name Penguin Books became one that was synonymous with paperback (pretty impressive, huh?). In fact, this company kind of sprang up overnight, if I read my facts correctly. I guess they really filled a need.
I have to admit I've never read Frankenstein or Dracula. Not even the Penguin Books versions. Frankenstein intimidated me, and I heard Dracula was boring (not to mention the fact that I may be one of the only girls of my generation not into vampires. At all.). I haven't even read The Phantom of the Opera, yet, for crying out loud, and I heard it was amazing (from someone who happens to be a very picky reader. Mostly. Except for the girly fiction books, which is a not nice thing to say. Okay, never mind.).
But come on, this is a pretty awesome representation of Penguin Books. It would be a great way to hook younger generation readers. They're like little pieces of flair only for book covers. It would be an awesome draw for Penguin Books. They could do one for all the major works of classic fiction. They could do a musketeer one, and an Austen one, and maybe a penguin dressed up as a raven for Poe (that's a fowl though, lol). Someone should tell them about this. It could take Penguin Books a whole new direction. An awesome direction.

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