Monday, January 10, 2011

Covers of Penguin Books

I think this is a cool picture of Penguin books. I wouldn't mind having a section of my personal library that looked like this, all Penguin Books orange (yes, it's a new Crayola crayon color). Especially if there were lots of names like Austen, Dumas, Bronte, Poe, Dickinson, and others like them on that shelf. I could call it the Penguin Books shelf. And since some of my friends refer to me as the penguin, it would be the penguin's Penguin Books shelf. Ha ha ha, yes I'm hilarious. Laugh.
While in general I'm not the hugest fan of orange, I find this picture very aesthetically appealing. Perhaps it is the straight lines, or the variegated color, or just the fact that it is a bunch of books (another picture that I absolutely loved that I saw one time was a picture of a stack of books piled up to the ceiling. Literally. It. Was. Awesome.). Maybe it's because somehow I have an affinity to Penguin books because of my nickname (which I didn't pick and, quite frankly, I've regretted since. I don't really like penguins that much, mostly I just feel obliged to). Whatever it is, I think this would make a cool Penguin Books poster (assuming Penguin Books does posters, which might be kind of weird. I wonder how many book nerds like me would even think about buying such a thing).
I wish I could read the names of all the titles on this cover (which I probably could if I went out and got a copy of the book, but I'm too broke and too forgetful to do such a thing). I'm that geek who's curious about a question like that. Actually this looks like a book I would get, just to look at all the pretty pictures of Penguin books. I wouldn't actually read most of it, because I would get bored, so I would just browse through the pictures detailing the history of Penguin Books.
In summation, Penguin Books are awesome, they were and are a major part of publishing house history, and if you haven't read Penguin books before you're probably lying or confused (or illiterate, in which case how are you reading this article). So go out and read one, appreciate the awesomeness, and thank me. Thank me profusely.
You're welcome and enjoy the picture (seriously, just stare at it for a while).

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